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Race the OGR

The crew is complete for the OGR but every person training with us becomes a White Shadow certified sailors that can come with us at any time,  or eventually that can be called during the OGR. 

We will sail  the OGR x12 crew for each leg: seven will run the whole race, others will share one or several legs. 
Embarking mean a triple commitment: time to race, train and prepare the boat ; money to share race costs, and to bring own personal equipment and insurance; commitment to become member of project and share responsabilities and decisions. 


Before the race, crew is commited to spend:

  • At least 1 weeks of his life in boat preparation (oct21-Mar22) per leg you participate.

  • Complete 3 levels of training with rest of crew (one to two weeks each).

  • And some time from home as all crew have also responsabilities assigned in project preparation.

During the race, starting sept23

"Rounders" embark for 8 months non stop

"Leggers" embark for 45/75 days minimum



We are a non profit organization, and have a philosophy of doing things in a simple manner. All the boat related costs is financed, but you will be requested to participate with the expenses related to the race. You embark for a 3 years adventure.

Your cost covers food, accomodation (on board), boat insurance, race fees,  Petrol, Harbour fee, some boat preparation cost, etc...

For the race:

  • €15.000 for the 8 months race

  • €3.750 for one leg

For training:

  • €500 for each weekly training. 3 levels to complete.

  • €1.500 for qualification (20 days) if rounder or legger 1.

Additional expense to consider:

  • Eventual personal insurance

  • Security gear (Personal locator, heavy weather protection, harnest...)

  • World sailing sea survival certificate

  • Visa, transportation from / to leg if you do not sail with us.



Partner, not charter.

When you become crew, you become member of White Shadow OGR 2023 association that owns the boat. You participate in all decision, vote for the directing board, have access to accountancy, etc.

Adventure means danger.

Each leg is between one and 2 months non stop, under a 4 hours watch schedule 24/24.  Sailing a 1970's boat can be exalhirating (watch 1973's Sayula story) but also hard (whatch the crew complex story of Ridgway in 77) and eventually dangerous (watch Maiden's story in 89). We are all aware of it (race organizers, participants, project leaders, famillies), and danger is part of the adventure. Of course, we will take all possible measures to avoid accidents, but sailing in remote areas has its own part of uncertaincy.

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